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Action: The Gatekeeper stands in Limbo, which apparently consists of a bunch of "Build A Bear" shops. We see a Poof! as something materializes in front of him.
Action: Hector appears out of nowhere, before the Gatekeeper.
Hector: Where am I? What's going on?
The Gatekeeper: You in are Limbo, before the gates of Heaven, Dr. Longaramus. But I'm afraid I cannot let you in just yet.
Hector: Crap! Did I not lead a good enough life?
The Gatekeeper: You lived a terrible life, but that's not the reason.
The Gatekeeper: Soon there will be a great and tragic Götterdämmerung on earth, and you have to do your part balancing the wrongs of your post-apocalyptic world. Now, I will send you back to your life...
Action: Hector fades away, returning to the mortal realm.
Hector: Wait - what's with all the Build-A-Bear shops in Limbo?!?