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Action: Ms. Terrorbird contemplates Hector as he hangs, apparently lifeless, from a noose in Celeste's bedroom.
Ms. Terrorbird: Is the idiot dead? You don't find yourself in this situation every day.
Ms. Terrorbird: I wonder what it would be like to- oh I shouldn't... Oh what the heck, you only live once!
Action: Ms. Terrorbird kneels down and starts fellating Hector.
Ms. Terrorbird: Here goes... Mmph glrb glrb!
Hector: I... I'm re-entering my body. Revivifying... groggy... something feels good though. Really good! What's going on?
Action: Petra approaches the bedroom door from the other side.
Petra: Honey, are you OK? I thought I heard a noise. What are you...
Action: Petra catches Ms. Terrorbird in the act of giving her husband a blow job, as Hector gains consciousness. Celeste wakes up at the same time.
Celeste: Daddy?
Petra: Hector!!!
Hector: This isn't what it looks like!