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Mike: My and Lola's relationship has been rocky lately.
Valdosta: No need for this tiresome jeremiad, Mike - just give her some flowers!
Mike: That's a great idea, Valdosta. But I'm broke and I don't have a flower garden.
Valdosta: Not a problem! You can clip them from the local bank's landscaping.
Narration: Later, in front of Gainesville State Bank...
Action: Mike clips flowers, very clumsily and painfully, from the landscaping in front of the bank.
Mike: Ouch, ouch, damn my butter fingers! Ouch!
Narration: Soon, at Lola's house...
Action: Knock knock!
Lola: Who could that be?
Action: The door opens to reveal Mike, covered in blood, missing some fingers and teeth, holding a bloody bouquet of stolen flowers, while grinning maniacally.
Mike: Have some flowers!
Lola: !