Office Donuts - The Remonstrance comic for 2009-02-09. Word of the day: riefenstahl
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Panel 1
Action: Hector and Petra are having a conversation in their kitchen.
Hector: I like my new job, but I want to make a good impression on my co-workers.

Panel 2
Petra: Why don't you bring in some donuts?
Hector: Great idea!

Panel 3
Action: Later we see Hector typing on the computer in his office.
Narration: To: DinornisTech Office Subject: Doughnuts! Fellow employees, I brought donuts for everyone to share! Their in the break room.

Panel 4
Narration: Hector's computer sounds off, "You've got mail!"
Hector: Look at that, I already got a reply!

Panel 5
Action: Hector reads the email he just received.
Narration: From: Ms. Terrorbird Subject: RE: Doughnuts! You idiot, its spelled "They're" not "Their". Also the donuts are cheap and slightly stale.

Panel 6
Action: Hector types up a furious reply email.
Narration: From: Hector Longaramus To: Ms. Terrorbird Subject: RE: RE: Doughnuts! It's also spelled "it's" and not "its" you Rifenstahlian grammar bitch... Whos the idot now!?!

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