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Action: Hector stands in his laboratory. A grisly, dead Celeste lies on the lab table. Hector is mixing chemicals in test tubes.
Hector: I've been working on this "reinvigorating" fluid for some time, dear Celeste.
Hector: Once I have perfected this batch, you will be talking and running around with your usual, youthful brio. ...almost there.
Hector: Done! I will just inject you with 30cc of the fluid, and-
Action: Hector injects the fluid into Celeste's corpse. She shudders back to "life" with an anguished expression.
Celeste: Aaaaaaaaaaaaii! I'm burnnnnning!!!
Action: We see Petra opening the door and entering the laboratory.
Petra: I came as soon as I heard- wha?
Celeste: Kill me! Kill me! Kill me!!!
Action: Petra stares in horror at her burned, decomposed, corpse-like daughter, who has just been reanimated and is screaming in excruciating pain.
Petra: Aaaaaaaaaaaa!
Action: We zoom into a view of Celeste, writhing in undead agony on the laboratory table.
Celeste: Aaaaaaaaaaaaa!