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Action: Zombie Celeste lies on the laboratory table, writhing in pain.
Celeste: Kill meeee!!
Action: Petra stands at the open door, petrified with horror.
Petra: Celeste!?!
Petra: Can't watch... gonna puke...
Celeste: Mommy!! It hurrrts!! Kill me!!
Hector: I have to euthanize Celeste! She can't live like this!
Action: Hector reluctantly injects Celeste with a killing fluid.
Celeste: Mommy... emesis... Daddy.. kill me..
Action: Mercifully, Celeste ceases her pain wracked writhing on the table.
Hector: The awful deed is done. It's strange... in Eastern philosophy, history is a flowing circle... while in the West we view it linearly..
Hector: But I know, life is neither circle nor line. It's a horrid downward spiral.