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Action: Craisin sets bricks and mortar in a wall. Through an opening in the bricks, we can see a terrified and screaming woman trapped within.
Victim: Help! Why are you sealing me up in a wall?!?
Craisin: Oh you know, you bad lady. You yelled at mother in the store. You called her the "B" word!
Victim: You - you're going to kill me for that, you psycho?! That begs the question: how many other people have you killed for petty offenses?
Craisin: That does not beg the question, ma'am. Perhaps it *raises* the question, but your usage is incorrect.
Victim: What? What does "beg the question" mean then?
Craisin: Begging the question means you are questioning the unproven premise of someone's argument.
Craisin: For example, If I swore to you that you will live forever because I can't see you after I seal this hole, you might rightly say my asseveration begs the question.
Craisin: It begs the question because my premise - that you cannot die as long as I can't see you - is a faulty basis for my argument.
Action: By now Craisin has completed sealing the opening. We see only a solid brick wall.
Victim: At least I have something to think about.