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Action: Hector and Natalie sit in a restaurant booth, on a blind date.
Hector: Wow, you are every bit as pretty as Valdosta said. I hope you're not disappointed in my looks!
Natalie: Ha ha, blind dates can be so awkward!
Natalie: Actually you are quite handsome, but I wonder why you have a syringe in place of your right hand?
Hector: Oh that... well I lost my hand in an accident, and as a doctor this thing comes in handy.
Hector: Here, let me show you... oops!
Action: Hector accidentally pokes Natalie with his syringe.
Natalie: Ouch!
Hector: Oh my gosh, are you all right?
Natalie: I think... I think I'm OK.
Hector: What did I fill in my syringe today? God I hope it wasn't that flesh eating bacteria...
Natalie: Aaaaaaahhh!!!!
Action: Natalie's face melts in a gruesome manner.
Hector: Well this is a bit of a hugger-mugger.